Water meter installation fees and charges

Residential and commercial water meter installations

Water connections are available to all properties that have direct access to Shoalhaven City Council's water reticulation system. 

Our residential connections (20mm) include:

  • A standard metered water service installed at the property boundary which includes an adjacent garden tap; and
  • The option of having the meter installed in a pit (this option will not include a garden tap).

Our charges are based on the meter and service connection size. 

Meter size Cost
20mm water meter $145.00
25mm water meter $237.00
32mm water meter $655.00
40mm water meter $1,200.00
50mm/15mm combination $3,580.00
Conduit installation (if required) $1,990.00

Additional water meter installations

The base fee for an additional water meter is $1,028.00 per service connection, plus the applicable single sized installation fee. Once installed, each meter will incur availability charges based on the size of the connection, plus per kilolitre water usage charges. 

Once a meter has been installed, the property owner or builder must engage a plumber to connect the metered service to the dwelling. 

Manifold connections

If your multi-dwelling development requires two (2) or more standard (20mm) meter connections, then you will require a manifold installation. Below is a breakdown of our charges. 

Number of meters Service size Cost
2 x 20mm water meters 25mm service $650.00
3 x 20mm water meters  32mm service $983.00
4 x 20mm water meters  40mm service $1,366.00
5 x 20mm water meters  50mm service $1,874.00
6 x 20mm water meters  50mm service $2,088.00
Conduit installation (if required)  $1,990.00

Manifold meter installations can be staged. Please select this option in your application. Once installed, the property will incur availability charges based on the number of service connections, plus per kilolitre water usage charges.

The property owner or builder must engage a plumber to connect the metered services to the dwellings.

Relocate a water meter

Building works or renovations can sometimes leave your meter in an inconvenient position and it may need to be adjusted.  

Relocate a water meter LESS THAN 1 metre

Meter size  Cost
20mm water meter $215.00
25mm water meter $269.00
32mm and greater quoted

Relocate a water meter GREATER THAN 1 metre (includes base fee of $1,028.00)

Meter size  Cost
20mm water meter $1,173.00
25mm water meter $1,265.00
32mm water meter $1,683.00
40mm water meter $2,228.00
50mm/15mm combination $4,608.00
Conduit installation (if required) $1,990.00

The property owner or builder must engage a plumber to reconnect the metered service to the dwelling.

Lower meter into a pit

Our residential meters can be installed in a pit with a plastic or metal lid.  Meters larger than 25mm will require a quote.

Lower meter into a pit (plastic lid)

at time of installation on existing meter
20mm water meter $70.00 $290.00
25mm water meter $167.00 $387.00

Lower meter into a pit (metal lid)

  at time of installation on existing meter
20mm water meter $145.00 $366.00
25mm water meter $339.00 $560.00

Works to be quoted

The following works must be quoted:

  • Upsizing or downsizing a water meter and service
  • Lowering meters greater than 25mm into a pit
  • Services greater than 50mm
  • Fire services and non-standard arrangements
  • Relocating a water meter that is greater than 32mm